Carbon vanes are used in vacuum pumps for the flexible printing and packaging industry

Industrial equipment | Sabana Traders

ROTOR AND VANES OPERATING BEYOND THE LIMITS OF OTHER MATERIALSCarbon and graphite are very high temperature and corrosive resistant materials, which are the most important characteristics for vanes material. Carbon vanes are suitable for wet and dry running conditions. Chemically inert, they cannot contaminate the pumped media and therefore are compliant with FDA regulations Featured benefitSELF-LUBRICATINGLOW COEFFICIENT OF THERMAL […]

Where do SIBA fuses help out?

1.They provide protection for the latest generation of string inverters. Modern inverters operate at AC voltages of 800 V and more. This makes for smaller-section conductors, which in turn saves on valuable copper and reduces power losses. SIBA fuses are effective at preventing damage to modern equipment of this kind. 2.They therefore help reduce the […]