Protistor® size 000/00/0/1/2/3 aR

Key Features & Benefits

The 690/700V Protistor® fuse-links provide maximum flexibility in equipment design and ultimate protection for small power conversion equipment. These ultra-fast acting aR fuses have been engineered to provide state-of-the-art protection for semiconductors: diodes, thyristors and IGBT devices. They are assembled with die-cut elements embedded in solidified sand, which helps control arcing characteristics for a lower I²t and high interrupting rating level. All contact surfaces are silver plated and all hardware is non-magnetic.

  • Protection of inverters, motor drives, UPS systems and similar 690V or less equipments.

Catalog Number Item Number Current Rate Rated Voltage
DN00UD10C32L W227581 32 A 1000 V
DN00UD10C40L G076412 40 A 1000 V
DN00UD10C50L H076413 50 A 1000 V
DN00UD10C63L J076414 63 A 1000 V
DN00UD10C80L C075534 80 A 1000 V
DN00UD10C100L D075535 100 A 1000 V
DN00UD10C125L M076417 125 A 1000 V
DN00UC10C160L X076426 160 A 1000 V
DN00UC10C200L Y076427 200 A 1000 V
DN00UC10C250L Z076428 250 A 1000 V
DN00UC10C280 A076429 280 A 1000 V
DN00UC10C315L V076263 315 A 1000 V
DN000UB69V80 V076263 80 A 1000 V
DN000UB69V100 W330023 100 A 690 V
DN000UB69V125 X330024 125 A 690 V
DN000UB69V160 Y330025 160 A 690 V
DN000UB69V200 Z330026 200 A 690 V
DN000UB69V250 A330027 250 A 690 V
DN000UB69V315 B330028 315 A 690 V
DN000UB50V350 C330029 350 A 690 V
DN000UB50V400 W330115 400 A 500 V
DN000UB69V80V E330192 80 A 500 V
DN000UB69V100V T330182 100 A 690 V
DN000UB69V125V V330183 125 A 690 V
DN000UB69V160V W330184 160 A 690 V
DN000UB69V200V X330185 200 A 690 V
DN000UB69V250V Y330186 250 A 690 V
DN000UB69V315V Z330187 315 A 690 V
DN000UB50V350V A330188 350 A 690 V
DN000UB50V400V B330189 400 A 500 V
DN000UB69V80L F330193 75 A 500 V
DN000UB69V100L B330051 80 A 690 V
DN000UB69V125L C330052 100 A 690 V
DN000UB69V160L D330053 110 A 690 V
DN000UB69V200L E330100 125 A 690 V
DN000UB69V250L E330054 160 A 690 V
DN000UB69V315L F330055 200 A 690 V
DN000UB50V350L G330056 250 A 690 V
DN000UB50V400L H330057 315 A 500 V
BS000UB69V75 J330058 350 A 500 V
BS000UB69V80 X330116 400 A 690 V
BS000UB69V100 G330194 80 A 690 V
BS000UB69V110 A330257 100 A 690 V
BS000UB69V125 B330258 125 A 690 V
BS000UB69V160 C330259 160 A 690 V
BS000UB69V200 D330260 200 A 690 V
BS000UB69V250 E330261 250 A 690 V
BS000UB69V315 F330262 315 A 690 V
BS000UB50V350 G330263 350 A 690 V
BS000UB50V400 H330264 400 A --
DN00UB69V80D1L J330265 -- --
DN00UB69V100D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V125D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V160D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V200D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V250D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V315D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V350D1L -- -- --
DN00UB69V400D1L -- -- --