

Key Features & Benefits

A15QS Amp-Trap® Form 101 high speed fuses were designed for the specific protection of diodes and other semiconductor devices rated 150VAC/DC. The A15QS product line’s compact design is perfect for those applications that have limitations on available space.

  • Protection of heavy duty devices such as electrochemical rectifiers

International Enquiries

+971 50-7205352

UAE Enquiries

+971 50-6431052


A15QS1000-128, D232349; A15QS1000-4, A232346; A15QS1000-4TI, B232347; A15QS100-4, J232285; A15QS100-4TI, K232286; A15QS10-2-MSC; A15QS10-2OBS, N230081; A15QS1200-128, F232351; A15QS12-2OBS, P230082; A15QS125-4, M232288; A15QS125-4TI, N232289; A15QS130-4, Q232291; A15QS130-4TI, R232292; A15QS1500-128, H232353; A15QS150-4, T232294; A15QS150-4TI, V232295; A15QS15-2OBS, Q230083; A15QS1600-128, K232355; A15QS175-4, W232296; A15QS175-4TI, X232297; A15QS1800-128, M232357; A15QS2000-128, P232359; A15QS200-4, Z232299; A15QS200-4TI, A232300; A15QS20-2; A15QS20-2-MSC; A15QS20-4, Y232252; A15QS20-4TI, Z232253; A15QS225-4, B232301; A15QS225-4TI, G232306; A15QS2500-128, R232361; A15QS250-4, C232302; A15QS250-4TI, J232308; A15QS25-2-MSC; A15QS25-2OBS, S230085; A15QS25-4, B232255; A15QS25-4TI, C232256; A15QS275-4, L232310; A15QS275-4TI, M232311; A15QS3000-128, T232363; A15QS300-4, D232303; A15QS300-4TI, P232313; A15QS30-2OBS, T230086; A15QS30-4, E232258; A15QS30-4TI, F232259; A15QS3-2; A15QS3500-128, W232365; A15QS3500-128SIL; A15QS350-4, R232315; A15QS350-4TI, S232316; A15QS35-1, V230087; A15QS35-4, H232261; A15QS35-4TI, J232262; A15QS4000-128, Y232367; A15QS400-4, V232318; A15QS400-4TI, W232319; A15QS40-1, W230088; A15QS40-4, L232264; A15QS40-4TI, M232265; A15QS450-4, Y232321; A15QS450-4TI, Z232322; A15QS45-1, X230089; A15QS45-4, P232267; A15QS45-4TI, Q232268; A15QS5000-128, B232370; A15QS500-4, B232324; A15QS500-4TI, C232325; A15QS50-1, Y230090; A15QS50-4, S232270; A15QS50-4TI, T232271; A15QS550-4, E232327; A15QS550-4TI, F232328; A15QS55-1, Z230091; A15QS6000-128, A232369; A15QS600-4, H232330; A15QS600-4TI, J232331; A15QS60-1, A230092; A15QS60-4, W232273; A15QS60-4TI, X232274; A15QS6-2; A15QS700-4, L232333; A15QS700-4TI, M232334; A15QS70-4, Z232276; A15QS70-4TI, A232277; A15QS7-2OBS, K230078; A15QS750-128, P232336; A15QS800-128, V232341; A15QS800-4, R232338; A15QS800-4TI, S232339; A15QS80-4, C232279; A15QS80-4TI, D232280; A15QS8-2OBS, L230079; A15QS900-4, X232343; A15QS900-4TI, Y232344; A15QS90-4, F232282; A15QS90-4TI, G232283.


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